Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I want to be a Jedi!

I saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Thursday and Friday and again on Sunday. Why? Because I can’t get enough!!! I thought the movie was a great ending/beginning of the Star Wars saga.

After watching the movie I was determined to watch all the films (yes, all 5 of them!!). So I connected with my dealer and he gave me a bootleg copy of all the films (on DVD). He even had Revenge of the Sith!!! Of course his copy of the ROTS beginning text was in Thai, but the movie was in English. So I spent the holiday weekend watching ALL 6 of the films.

And I have concluded I want to be a Jedi. I have just crossed over to geek-dom.

And I am in love with Hayden Christensen. That boy is just good looking. Seriously, I’m having bad thoughts about that kid.

Culture of Life???

What the hell does that mean? President Bush keeps talking about he won’t approve stem cell research because he believes in a culture of life. I’ve been racking my brain (as I watch his press conference today) and can’t figure out what that means?

Does it mean he believes people are alive and we have culture? I mean, seriously, it doesn’t even make sense. Or perhaps someone can explain it to me because Bush just makes statements and doesn’t explain what the hell he’s talking about. It’s like you can just say a statement and we’re suppose to say, “Oh, okay, he believes life has a culture, now I understand”.

Someone please tell me… what does culture of life mean?

I did a quick search for “Culture of Life” and they all revolve around Christianity. Now, I will admit I am a Christian and believe in Jesus and think he’s the coolest guy around, but come on!!!

I guess it means you respect all levels of life, from conception to death, but I don’t believe he really believes this. If he did would he send our army to a war over a possible threat to the US which may or may not ever happen?

If you truly respect LIFE, you would wait until the final moment, until you were pushed and FORCED to go to war. Because war basically means ending life.

President Bush truly disappoints me. Not that I voted for him (I would NEVER do that), but he’s our president and I try to respect that but I find it hard and harder to do every day.

And on top of it all, he says he “values life” but he signed countless death warrants while Govern of Texas. Even though he has said often said” it is wise to err on the side of life”. Do I need to say more?

Here are some links I found using the search term "Culture of Life"

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I'm Addicted to Speed

I have recently become addicted to this damn online game. I'm finally ready to admit it. It's been three weeks and I've played over 100 times. It's really bad, I keep telling myself, "Just one more game and I'm done" or "I gotta get to level 16 then I'll stop". But I don't.

The constant mouse movements have caused my hand to occasionally cramp up. My right shoulder is in pain. I'm almost certain I've caused permanent bladder problems by refusing to get up and go to the bathroom.

I'm not sure if I should tell you what the game is, because I fear others will fall into it's trap. You see, one time you try it you're HOOKED! Believe me, don't even start. No, I will not reveal the name of this game.

Just don't let this happen to you.

If you decide not to heed my warning and really want to play the game, follow these directions.
1. Go to www.myspace.com
2. Click the link 'Games'
3. Under the section 'Boards' you will find a link that says 'SPEED'.
4. Click the link and play.

But remember I warned you about it's addictive nature, it's best to just say no.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

"looking out for angels/just trying to find some peace"

You know life sure is funny. One minute you're down the next your feeling oh so good. Right now I feel good.

I had a nice chat with a friend I haven't heard from in a while a couple days ago and yesterday had a great meeting with my partners and realize life is good. Yeah, there are some elements of my life that totally suck, but over all, I'm doing alright. And seriously, what more can I ask for? Yeah, we all want money, friends, good health... but you know what, life is more than that. It's all about the little moments that ADD up to your life.

And lately I'm learning to treasure the little moments and they will get me through the rough times. When I'm feeling bad, I'm just going to think about the last time I felt good and reflect on that and remember this to shall pass.

I'm going to be more pro-active with my life. No more sitting on the side lines for me. I'm going to do all the things I want. Like travel, meet interesting people, write, volunteer, get married, brith some babies, get divorced, get a lover, jump out of a plane, meet George Michael, go to a taping of the Oprah Show, live down town, and inspire others to do the same.
(* all these things are subject to change, that's just what came to my head right now)

When I get older I want to look through my photo albums and tell my grand kids about all the crazy things I've done. Of course, I'll probably be doing this through an iron lung because I realize I like smoking and don't plan on quitting any time soon. Wait, I'll quit during the time I brith dem babies.

Anyway, I'm feeling really good about the future... man, this is going to be great!!!

Listening to: Fairground by Simply Red and feeling GOOD!

Friday, May 20, 2005

La Vie En Rose - Ne Pas!!!

I am at the lowest point in my life. The point where you wonder “what the hell is it all for” or think “why don’t I just run away and start all over”.

I rather not go into all the details why or how I got to this point but it has to do with poverty, license suspension, weight gain, and boredom.

My friend told me, “They say once you reach rock bottom, there is no place to go but up”. That gives me no comfort. Nor does the fact that my "life" could be worst. Yeah, my life sucks but thank God I have two arms and legs! That doesn't make things better. Misery is relative.

I am so lost. Seriously, something big and extraordinary NEEDS to happen to me soon or I fear I’m going to lose it (I started playing the lotto with change I find). How much can one person bare and still walk around with a smile.

I’m tired of acting as if everything is okay. I’m tired of pretending like my life is great. It sucks and it hurts, but silly old me can’t tell anyone. Why bother others with my problems, everyone has problems and are going through some ish.


Monday, May 02, 2005

Your Personality...

I'm not known to toot my own horn, but most people generally like me. I'm real laid back and personable and accomdating. Seriously! You gotta believe me!

Anyway... I just took an online personality test and even through I was frustrated with a couple of questions (they only give you two choices), it seemed straight on.

Take the test and let me know how accurate or inaccurate it was.

Your ..1 Match: ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Bette Davis, the baddest chick!

Bette Davis is the baddest chick ever!!! Just finished watching All About Eve and did a little research on Ms. Davis (you gotta love the internet).

Here are a few quotes from her:

"I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire." (in reference to Joan Crawford)"

"Getting old is not for sissies."

"Until you're known in my profession as a monster, you're not a star."

"I'm the nicest goddamn dame that ever lived."

On rival Joan Crawford: "She has slept with every male star at MGM except Lassie."

"Gay Liberation? I ain't against it, it's just that there's nothing in it for me."

"I'd marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he'd be dead within a year."

"An affair now and then is good for a marriage. It adds spice, stops it from getting boring. I ought to know."

"If you want a thing well done, get a couple of old broads to do it."

"I wanted to be the first to win three Oscars, but Miss Hepburn has done it. Actually it hasn't been done. Miss Hepburn only won half an Oscar. If they'd given me half an Oscar I would have thrown it back in their faces. You see, I'm an Aries. I never lose." - in reference to Katharine Hepburn's tie for the 1968 Oscar with Barbra Streisand.

"Why am I so good at playing bitches? I think it's because I'm not a bitch. Maybe that's why Miss Crawford always plays ladies."

[when told not to speak ill of the dead] 'Just because someone is dead does not mean they have changed!'

[on sex] "God's biggest joke on human beings."

"You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good... Joan Crawford is dead, good!" - on the death of her long-time nemesis.

A People's History of the United States - READ NOW!

Just brought the book, which I've heard so much about. Just finished the first chapter, and I HIGHLY recommend this to EVERYONE.

Go buy the book today and learn about the REAL history of the US from the "common man's" point of view. I must admit, the book will enrage you (at least it should if you have any feelings), because you will question everything you were taught in Social Studies in middle and high school.If you've read it, have any opinions, or anything let me know.

Title: A People's History of the United States (1492 - PRESENT)
Author: Howard Zinn
ISBN: 0-06-052837-0

Clive Owen.... how close can I get?

I just receieved the movie Closer in the mail today from walmart.com (it was cheaper than amazon.com). I saw Closer when it first came out in the movies and loved it so much I had to gather ALL my pennies and buy it.

I swear it's one of my favorite movies.I must admit I'm a Jude Law fan, but Clive Owen stole the movie! The way he delivered his lines are beautiful, his evilness is wonderful and his voice, damn that effin' voice is heavenly.So now my new obession is Clive Owen.

The best scene in the movie:
{after Anna tells Larry she cheated on him, he wants to know the details of the affair}

Anna: We do everything that people who have sex do!
Larry: Do you enjoy sucking him off?
Anna: Yes!
Larry: You like his c***?
Anna: I love it!
Larry: You like him coming in your face?
Anna: Yes!
Larry: What does it taste like?
Anna: It tastes like you but sweeter!
Larry: That's the spirit. Thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now f*** off and die, you f***ed up slag.

“Those nerds are a threat to our way of life!”

This movie is effin’ hilarious. Yes, this was my 17th time watching Revenge of the Nerds it, but it’s funny as hell. I’m not sure what is funnier, the fact that people treat these guys like dirt or the antics those crazy nerds get into.Whew, still laughin’.Just wanted to share.

i'm back baby!

I've been away for a while ... living life...

and well... i'm bored with it.