Monday, September 27, 2004

a monkey can do my job and the dead bird

I went into my part-time job today. I honestly believe a monkey can do my job. Seriously, a monkey! Well, maybe not a "straight-from-the-jungle" monkey, but at least one of those helper monkeys for the blind and disabled.

When I went down to take a smoke break, a small green and blue colored bird was flying around, of course I was afriad but tried to keep my cool because other smokers were hanging around. Suddenly, the bird flew into the glass ceiling. It dropped to the ground and died. It was quite shocking to me. It just had mistaken the glass as the sky and bumped it's head and DIED. Now, I have to admit, I have absolutely no feelings towards animals, actually i have much resentment for all animals, but I felt sad.

All I kept thinking was "stupid little bird."


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