Friday, July 29, 2005

New IKEA Catalog

When I checked the mail, there it was staring at me. The new IKEA Catalog! Immediately I got excited and figured I would spend the entire weekend dreaming of stuff I would buy, what fabric I would use, or new lighting techniques I would try to steal.

Yes, I know this is very sad.

Especially since I don't own a house, apartment or anything that requires furniture.

And I have no money and am seriously thinking of quitting smoking because cigarettes are getting too damn expensive (I'm almost up to a pack a day).

But then again, I applaud IKEA for bringing a little joy to me this weekend as I day dream about the house I may one day own and decorate.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Live 8 – AOL Feed Amazing, MTV can kiss my A$$

So I started watching Live 8 on MTV, even though they were showing the same exact show on VH1, the same exact show! Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you have MTV you probably have VH1 as well. So I have no idea whose idea it was to show the same show? Perhaps if they showed different live feeds, it would make sense, but that didn’t so that sucks.

The MTV feed was a complete mess. They had Sway and Rachel (MTV correspondents) TALKING while artists are on stage. I kept wishing they would shut up and show the artists on stage. What’s the point of watching them talk about the show, instead of watching the show! This was completely ridiculous. And on top of that Rachel (skinny chick with short shorts), was an idiot! At one point she said “This concert is totally wicked awesome! The best Live 8 ever!” I wonder if she was aware this is the ONLY Live 8? She was a complete mess, someone fire her soon.

After two hours of getting angry with MTV, I realized I could watch the concert via AOL. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Of course, my laptop speakers weren’t working, so I spent 30 minutes fixing my computer before I could watch the concert. Restarted the computer a couple times, tinkered with audio settings and finally I can watch the concert!

AOL gave you the option to watch a live feed of each concert (Philly, London, Berlin, Paris, etc.) by clicking a link. This was great. I would flip from Philly to London in seconds. I would watch the artists I liked and controlled it all by a click of the mouse.

Since I have DSL, I didn’t have to worry about slow streaming or too much buffering, it was perfect. I’m not a big fan of AOL but today I have to give them much respect. They did a terrific job and it was FREE! All FREE {insert crazy sinister laugh}!

Best Performers

Without a doubt Lincoln Park and Jay-Z were the best! They way they mixed their music was amazing. Lincoln Park was rapping Jay-Z lyrics, Jay-Z rapping LP’s lyrics! It was just great. If you didn’t see it, find the performance online, it’s a must see.

Madonna was well, Madonna, a great entertainer and it was nice to hear Like a Prayer live again.

Pink Floyd, was great! Comfortable Numb, was perfect. Damn, those guys are just geniuses. “Is there anybody out there” Yes there is, and we love you!

I must give a mention to George Michael’s guest appearance with Paul McCartney, was nice. I personally don’t know why they didn’t let him perform, but I was happy to see him there, even if it was only 3 minutes.

At the end of the day…

I would say the event was successful with its mission to create awareness of Africa’s plight. In one interview, I saw this young typical white guy scream “I’m from South Jersey, and I’m here for AFRICAAAAAAA! Rock on! Yeaaahhhh!” in a deep south Jersey accent. That made me chuckle, but it also showed that this guy, who I am sure, rarely thinks about Africa, is now thinking about it.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Live 8 - Freakin' Commericals

The show just started and Will Smith gave a nice little speech to set the tone and explain what the concert is about. It was okay, I mean, nothing special. He also made everyone snap their fingers every three second to represent a child dying. Which made a nice point, but I’m sure everyone in the audience was thinking, “yeah, yeah, dying children, just bring on the celebrities! I’m ready to rock!”

The Black Eye Peas just performed, and then freakin’ MTV just cut to a COMMERCIAL! A friggin’ commercial about a movie and car!!! Now this just takes me out of the mind set of helping Africa by showing me freakin’ commercials about an upcoming movie and how I should by a freakin’ car!

I just think it would be better if they did it with out commercials. They should keep us in the moment, not interrupted by America's greatness (we can actually afford to go to the movies or buy a car, while African children die of starvation).

I’m just saying…

Live 8

One Live 8 concert is taking place in my home town of Philadelphia. When I first heard about the concert I was hyped and ready to go, I mean, why pass up a free concert? But as the concert drew near and I thought about the whole point of the event, I’ve lost almost all my enthusiasm for it and my chip on my shoulder began to grow.

The premise of the concert(s) is to bring awareness of Africa’s poverty. The problem is the world knows Africa is poor, you don’t have to teach anyone that! Africa is synonymous with POVERTY, DISEASE, and STRAVATION. The lesson is not needed.

So on top of everyone already aware of Africa’s plight, they hold FREE concerts. Free! I’m talking, no money charged, not nuttin’, not even passing a bucket around for donations! This is one thing I can’t get over.

I was watching VH1’s show ‘Best Week Ever’ as they were discussing the concert, one comedian said one African child asked Bono, “what’s an I-POD, please feed it to me.” Of course he was joking (and I had a hearty laugh), but point was made. This concert will do more to pump the egos of the artists and their record sales than helping Africa.

I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but the world’s leaders really don’t care about Africa, at least in the realm of helping. They could end this years ago if they wanted. The reason they are reluctant is because there’s no benefit in it for them by helping Africa. These G8 countries always have alternate motivates before they take international action. They didn’t become the world’s economic forces by giving away money; they are in the business of MAKING MONEY (either by taking it from others or from labor of the poor).

Okay, enough of my idealist rants. I’m still going to watch the show… it just started!!