Saturday, July 02, 2005

Live 8

One Live 8 concert is taking place in my home town of Philadelphia. When I first heard about the concert I was hyped and ready to go, I mean, why pass up a free concert? But as the concert drew near and I thought about the whole point of the event, I’ve lost almost all my enthusiasm for it and my chip on my shoulder began to grow.

The premise of the concert(s) is to bring awareness of Africa’s poverty. The problem is the world knows Africa is poor, you don’t have to teach anyone that! Africa is synonymous with POVERTY, DISEASE, and STRAVATION. The lesson is not needed.

So on top of everyone already aware of Africa’s plight, they hold FREE concerts. Free! I’m talking, no money charged, not nuttin’, not even passing a bucket around for donations! This is one thing I can’t get over.

I was watching VH1’s show ‘Best Week Ever’ as they were discussing the concert, one comedian said one African child asked Bono, “what’s an I-POD, please feed it to me.” Of course he was joking (and I had a hearty laugh), but point was made. This concert will do more to pump the egos of the artists and their record sales than helping Africa.

I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but the world’s leaders really don’t care about Africa, at least in the realm of helping. They could end this years ago if they wanted. The reason they are reluctant is because there’s no benefit in it for them by helping Africa. These G8 countries always have alternate motivates before they take international action. They didn’t become the world’s economic forces by giving away money; they are in the business of MAKING MONEY (either by taking it from others or from labor of the poor).

Okay, enough of my idealist rants. I’m still going to watch the show… it just started!!


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