If you know me, then you know,
if I like something, I REALLY LIKE IT. I guess most (normal) people may call this obsessing. This may be true, but my obsessions are usually very intense yet, short lived.
For instance, a couple years ago, I could not get enough of
sun flower seeds . I would buy the large $1.95 bag and eat the whole thing in the course of two days. Naturally, this would leave me extremely dehydrated and kill all my taste buds for a week, but damn, those sun flower seeds were great.
Another example is I had this friend, lets call him Jung. To me, Jung was the most interesting person in the world. He was born in China, moved to the states (alone at the age of 17), married this black lady, got a divorce, and started his own business, all before he was 24!!! I was in awe of him. I couldn't get enough of his stories and well, him! So we hung out every day and night for two weeks straight. He even taught me to ride a motorcycle. Okay, it was only one lesson, for like 15 minutes, but it was the first time I've ever rode a motorcycle.
Well, these two obsessions lasted around 2 4 weeks and then I was done. I grew tired of sun flower seeds and Jung. After a while, I realized sun flower seeds were more of a bother to eat, you had to crack open the shell, then spit the shell out, repeat, repeat
I had to give up the habit. As for Jung, well, we just stopped talking. This came after I realized he got on my nerves and could only spend no more than 30 minutes at a time with him, otherwise we may end up killing each other.

Well, I have a new obsession. And his name is
Colin Farrell. He has dark hair, dark eyes, tattoos,
drinks, and swears! How can you not love all that. And did I mention, he loves da ladies. Apparently he doesnt have a problem with casual sex, translate
that means I may have a chance!!! Okay, maybe I dont have a chance, but still there is something about him that Im deeply attracted to. (At times, anyone who actually isn't afraid to smoke cigarettes in public generally interest me).
Currently, Im day dreaming about my trip to Ireland, of course the trip would be spontaneous so I wouldnt have made plans ahead of time. After I get off the plane I would jump into the first taxi I see and tell him to take me to the most common part of Dublin (I stole that line from Coming to America). The cabbie would drop me off at a pub (we call them bars), where Ill meet some cool and interesting people and drink my first Guinness beer. After hours of laughing and learning local Irish customs, I jump out my seat to run to the bathroom and guess who bumps me and burns me with his cigarette (yeah, bad things happen to me, even in my day dreams), none other than Colin Farrell.
Of course, hes extremely sorry and takes my burnt hand and gently kisses it until it feels better. He continues to offer to buy me a drink
yadda yadda yadda, I awake the next morning in his apartment feeling good.
Wow, got a little besides myself there. Anyway, enough about my new obsession (you dont even want to know how much time I spent on the internet looking for pictures of him), go rent one or all of the following:
A Home at the End of the World
Phone booth
Harts War
P.S. I dont really recommend Alexander. Only, watch it if you have a couple hours to spare, but hey, you gotta support the new love of my life.
P.P.S. Yes, I know I sound like a school girl, day dreaming about a guy I'll never met in my entire life. But you know what, the fantasy feels fu*kin' great!
P.P.P.S - I want a tattoo now, I wonder what I should get...