Anderson Cooper - Reporting with Emotion

Today, while watching the Katrina Hurricane news coverage (I can’t even bring myself to write about my melancholy emotions about this tragedy), Anderson almost started crying! I loved it because he showed his emotions which many journalist rarely do (I know, they are suppose to separate themselves from the story, but sometimes you just gotta say "shit, this is fucked up!"). His emotion was refreshing.
On top of that he interviewed some politician, who went on to congratulate other politicians “great efforts” to help the victims, when suddenly Anderson cut her off (in a louder tone of voice), saying (I’m paraphrasing), “How can you congratulate yourselves when there are thousands of people are in need, and there are dead bodies in the street, dead bodies which are being eaten by rats.” I almost clapped! Finally someone is saying what needs to be said. [ Full Transcript ]
Check out his interview on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He has the funniest laugh! It sounds so fake, that it's funny! He also has this nervous tick thing, that every time he laughs he smoothes his tie out.
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