Friday, January 14, 2005

Inspiration is effin' great

I've been spending quite some time by myself. In this seclusion I've learned a lot about myself. First I learned I am okay being by myself, basically I didn't go insane, which I first thought. Secondly, idle hands aren't always the gateway for the devil. Idle hands encourages creativity.

I've always felt I was missing something, needed someone else or a new experience to inspire me. The last couple of weeks, I've realized the creativity was always in side of me.

I know, it sounds cheesy and I hate myself for even writing the words, but it's all true. It's all effin' true.

I finally have my novel!!! Here's a short blurb:

"He ushered me into the living room and counted all the trash bags. There were six bags. That's funny I thought, after living here for three and half years I only have six trash bags of stuff worth stealing. Why didn't he take the television?

He was gone. I was alone and tied to a chair. The blood had stopped dripping. I don't remember being tied to the chair. The clock read 3:56am. I must have passed out. I've never been unconscious before. It was a strange feeling. You awaken and time has passed without your knowledge or consent. It felt different from sleeping.

When you sleep, you agree to sleep. You conscientiously close your eyes and prepare for sleep. When you are unconscious, you just wake up. There is no choice involved."

I'm back and it feels fuckin' wonderful!


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